Website Design and Development

Websites that attract,

and build relationships

Good website design is an art in itself. Your website is a shop window for your business, your products, your services and your brand personality. As such it needs to create a powerful first impression – and much more besides. At the very least it should also be easy to use, reward the visitor with up-to-date, information-rich content and provide opportunities to interact with your brand.

At Echoes we understand what distinguishes the exceptional from the average. Our team brings together many years of web design experience with finely-honed skills in web architecture, hand-coding, database integration and content management systems (CMS). Our capability ranges from simple brochure sites to business critical e-commerce sites built to the latest web standards.

Our digital services also include:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Integration and Marketing
  • Online Advertising
  • Domain Name Registration and Renewals
  • Web and Email Hosting

We have a way

with words

Never underestimate the power of the written word. Copywriting is a craft and when entrusted to a true marketing communications wordsmith, it can achieve wonderful things for your brand. Incisive, compelling copy can win new converts to your cause. It can create a genuine desire to acquire your product or service. It can persuade people to take action such as requesting further information. Ultimately, great copy can sell just about anything directly off the page.

Echoes applies the craft of copywriting to advertising, sales literature, corporate brochures, direct mail, promotional emails and sales letters. We write search engine optimised copy for websites – a specialist task in itself. And we write scripts for TV and radio commercials as well as product and corporate video. Press releases? Yes we do those too - but writing editorial is a different skill which our copywriters are happy to leave to our journalist (see Press Relations).

Press Relations

How to achieve

a media
coverage success story

There is no secret to achieving good editorial coverage. It’s down to hard work, persistence and regular communication with journalists. It’s also about building a reputation with the media for supplying well-written, newsworthy material that is of interest to readers and being pro-active in suggesting ideas and angles for feature pieces. Having worked with journalists for many years we know what they want and what they don’t! A page or two of blatant selling copy masquerading as a news release, for example, will be consigned instantly to the waste bin.

We will work closely with you to develop a PR Plan. This will include research to identify the media options from which we will compile a target list. We will then meet with you on a regular basis to identify potential stories, review past activity and drive the PR effort forward.

Direct Marketing

Building loyalty

or driving response - we'll hit the target

Be it printed material by post or communications via email, telephone or SMS text, any direct marketing campaign is only as good as the database that drives it. This holds true whether you are maintaining contact with existing customers or targeting new prospects.

Echoes can work with you in cleaning and updating existing lists or in sourcing new databases for direct mail, telemarketing or e-marketing purposes from reputable providers. We can help you to develop your direct marketing strategy, taking into account various factors such as your campaign objectives, budget, target audience, the nature of the product, service or offer and any demographic, geographical or seasonal weightings.

And then, armed with a full brief and a clear strategy, we will harness all of our marketing communications skills to deliver a highly creative and effective campaign that delivers the response objective, both in terms of quantity and quality.

Photography, 3D Illustration and Animation

Powerful images

that speak volumes

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But not just any picture. Poor images can say all the wrong things about your brand. Great photography however can differentiate you from your competitors and say far more about your brand and its values than any number of words. It’s well worth the investment.

Echoes has close working relationships with a number of professional photographers whose portfolios include work as diverse as food and fashion and industry and agriculture. We can provide art direction services to ensure that every shoot delivers outstanding results on all levels.

As well as photography, we also offer 3D-effect illustrations, interactive 360° imagery and 3D animations, which can be utilised to bring products to life or to visually explain a technical feature or process with jaw-dropping results.